Harmony, healing, and happiness
- your journey starts here.



Calm your nervous system with box breathing. Let’s start with the most basic human need, oxygen. In this vlog, we discuss the importance of deep breaths and learn box breathing.



We discover the key to living a happy life by bringing joy into all we do. Happiness is not some destination to be reached, it is a way of life.

Self Love

Self Love

In this video, we bring awareness to the way we speak to ourselves. We learn to create a safe, loving, space within ourselves that we can “come home to,” And become your own best friend.  



Challenge the fears that hold you back in your life. Approach your fears with awareness and curiosity, question their roles and take baby steps toward conquering them.

Fat loss


1. Assess your personal body image
2. Lose the rules
3. Follow your body natural intelligence
4. Focus on health first

Chew Your food

chew_your food01

The most basic tip that will aid your digestion, increase mindfulness and help you reconnect with your body. It all starts with chewing your your food properly. Enjoy!

Living a life of intention


The key to living intentionally is getting clear on your values. This allows you to live your days in focused alignment with what’s uniquely important to you.

Joyful Relationships

1. Make a list or reflect on what you want in your relationships.
2. Start providing these for yourself.
3.Reflect on strained relationships in your life, use them to become aware.

Add Veggies to every meal

1. Better Nutrition 
2. Aids digestion and gut health 
3. More micronutrients 4. Added fiber

Responding vs. Reacting

Responding vs reacting

1. Reflect and analyze areas/relationships/ situations in your life where you might be reacting and losing your power.
2. Pause.
3. Ask yourself if you could “respond” differently?

Having a good or bad day?

having a bad day

– avoid labeling
– consider the law of impermanence
– awareness is always the first step
– pause, reflect and reframe
– look for the lessons in every situation



1. Take yourself off autopilot.
2. Pause, acknowledge and become fully aware.
3. Ask yourself how you can change/adapt/pivot in order to break negative patterns in your life.
4. Consciously choose your next step.
It would be my honour and pleasure to guide you to be the most joyful, healthy, energetic and mindful version of yourself.

Comparison is the thief of joy!

1. Become aware of where you draw comparison in your life.
2. Reflect on your uniqueness and values.
3. Focus on your blessings and practice gratitude.

Asking for help

– avoid labeling
– consider the law of impermanence
– awareness is always the first step
– pause, reflect and reframe
– look for the lessons in every situation